Golf Tips For Beginners - Putting Tips
Often we tend to remember the driver tee off that did not cross the ladies tee, the duffed shot that took out an excessively large divot from the fairway, or the OB tee offs. If we're serious about our scores, then we also need to remember that one of the most important clubs in our bag is the putter.
The putter is used more then any club in the bag and if we want to win that Golf bet we have going with out Golfing buddies, the putter is a club we want to get good at.
Here are some tips to help you become a good putter.
Putting Tip #1:
Have a gentle grip on the putter. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being a strangle hold, our grip pressure would be around a 4. Tight muscles produce tension and this will produce a jerk in our backswing when we take away the putter. This prevents consistency in our putting stroke and prevents us from producing the right distance control.
Putting Tip #2:
Just before the takeaway of the putter face, lift the putter just slightly off the ground. Again, this helps prevent us jerking the putter away because of friction with the ground.
Putting Tip #3:
Place the ball just beneath the left eye. The hands are in front of the inner thigh. Doing this consistently allows us to have a consistent putting stroke and distance control.
Putting Tip #4:
Have a pre putt routine. Having such a routine allows you to calm your nerves and block out the distractions around you. Putting is about feel and the less tense you are, the more fluid your putting stroke will be.
Hope these tips help your putting stroke. Enjoy your game!
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Sherman is an avid Golfer sharing his enthusiasm and knowledge about the greatest game on earth.
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